Danielle Miller
  • Social Work (BA)
  • Class of 2014
  • Galloway, OH

Danielle Miller spent a great summer day at Northern Kentucky University!

2013 Aug 1

Northern Kentucky University is sending a big Norse shout out to Danielle Miller for spending some time exploring our campus this summer. Starting the college search process is no easy task, but Danielle is getting a jumpstart on their future at NKU.

What's in a campus visit? Well, just ask Danielle! Everyone tours campus with one of our student guides, is given the opportunity to explore academic opportunities with our faculty and advisors over a lunch conversation, learns about our mascot's evil twin (watch out!), and leaves campus with a sweet NKU t-shirt just for coming! Wear it with pride!

So maybe a visit to NKU is not quite the same as a trip to a sandy beach...but it's definitely the next best thing! Keep up the good work, Danielle, we look forward to having you on campus, permanently!